Visa Assistance Student visa interview

Cracking the US Student Visa Interview: My Mumbai Consulate Experience

Latika Sharma


Preparing for a US student visa interview can be an anxiety-inducing process, but with the right preparation, it can also be a smooth and successful experience.

I recently went through the visa interview process at the Mumbai Consulate and want to share my journey and tips to help others in the same boat.

Before I share my US student visa interview experience at the Mumbai Consulate, here are a few pointers to help you with your pre-interview prep.

Pre-Interview Preparations

  • Gather required documents: Ensure you have your passport, Form DS-160 confirmation page, SEVIS fee receipt, Form I-20, visa appointment confirmation, passport-sized photograph, financial records, academic documents, and a statement of purpose.
  • Understand the interview objectives: Familiarise yourself with the key goals of the interview: verifying your intent to study, assessing your financial stability, and determining your intent to return home after your studies.
  • Complete documentation accurately: Fill out all forms accurately and honestly to avoid delays or denials.
  • Prepare financial and academic proofs: Collect proof of funds (bank statements, loan approvals, scholarship letters) and academic credentials (transcripts, test scores, admission letters).
  • Practice interview questions: Rehearse answers to common questions like why you want to study in the US, why you chose the university, how you will fund your education and your post-graduation plans. Conduct mock interviews and practice in front of a mirror to build confidence.

You can also participate in mock visa interviews led by professionals to boost your visa interview readiness. I opted for Zolve's mock visa interviews. It significantly enhanced my confidence and preparedness by providing valuable feedback, helping me refine my answers and improve my overall presentation.

The Day of the Interview

Here are a few things I followed on the day of the interview to put my best foot forward and make a good impression.

  1. Dressing appropriately: First impressions matter, so I dressed formally but comfortably in a button-down shirt with trousers. Looking presentable and respectful is important, showing you take the process seriously.
  2. Arriving early: I arrived well before my appointment time (approximately 40 mins prior) to allow for security checks and entry procedures. This gave me time to compose myself and reduced any last-minute stress. Knowing the consulate's location in advance helped avoid navigation issues.
  3. What to expect: At the Mumbai Consulate, I went through a security check (no electronic devices allowed). Once inside, I waited in the designated area until my number was called.

The Interview

Consular officer: Good morning! How are you today?

Me: Good morning! I’m doing well, thank you. How are you?

Consular officer: I'm good, thank you. So, why do you want to study in the United States?

Me: I want to study in the United States because it offers a higher standard of education and access to advanced research facilities. The curriculum is comprehensive and allows for practical as well as theoretical learning. Additionally, the cultural diversity in the US will give me a global perspective, which is crucial for my career in international business.

Consular officer: That sounds interesting. Why did you choose NYU Stern School of Business?

Me: I chose NYU Stern because of its strong program in Global Business. The university is known for its renowned faculty, who are experts in their fields, and its state-of-the-art research facilities. I’m particularly interested in the Professor’s (said the name of the professor whose work I was interested in) work on global market strategies, which aligns perfectly with my career goals. Moreover, the university offers unique internship opportunities with leading multinational companies, which will provide invaluable real-world experience.

Consular officer: Great. How will you fund your education in the US?

Me: I have secured funding through a combination of personal savings, an education loan, and a scholarship from the university. Here are the financial documents, including bank statements, the loan approval letter, and the scholarship award letter. My family has also committed to supporting me financially, ensuring that I have sufficient funds to cover tuition and living expenses.

Consular officer: Excellent. Can you show me the financial documents?

Me: (Handing over the documents) Here they are. The bank statements show our savings and the loan approval letter confirms the education loan. The scholarship award letter details the amount granted by the university.

Consular officer: Thank you. (After reviewing the documents) What are your plans after graduation?

Me: After graduation, I plan to return to India and work in the international business sector. My goal is to join a multinational corporation and eventually start my consultancy firm that helps Indian companies expand globally. The knowledge and experience I gain in the US will be instrumental in achieving these goals and contributing to India's economic growth.

Consular officer: That’s a well-thought-out plan. Can you tell me more about your background and why you chose this field?

Me: Sure. I completed my undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Mumbai University. During my studies, I developed a keen interest in international trade and market dynamics. I also interned at Hindustan Unilever, where I worked on several projects related to market entry strategies and cross-border trade.

This experience solidified my passion for international business and motivated me to pursue further studies in this field.

Consular officer: How do you think studying in the US will help you achieve your career goals?

Me: Studying in the US will provide me with access to advanced coursework, cutting-edge research, and diverse perspectives that are essential for a career in international business. The opportunity to interact with students and professors from around the world will broaden my understanding of global markets.

Additionally, the practical training and internships available in the US will equip me with the skills and experience needed to excel in my field and bring innovative practices back to India.

Consular officer: I see. It looks like you’ve prepared well for this. Thank you for your time and responses. Your visa is approved. You’ll receive your passport with the visa stamp within the next few days.

Me: Thank you so much! I appreciate it.

Consular officer: You’re welcome. Good luck with your studies in the US!

As I walked out of the consulate, I felt a huge sense of relief and accomplishment. The preparation had paid off, and I was now one step closer to my dream of studying in the United States.



Walking out of the consulate with my visa approved was a moment of joy. All the meticulous preparation and practice had paid off, and I was now one step closer to my dream of studying in the United States. The process, though nerve-wracking, taught me the importance of thorough preparation, honesty, and confidence.

For anyone preparing for a US student visa interview, my advice is simple: gather all your required documents meticulously, understand the interview objectives, and practice answering questions confidently.

And with Zolve, I found a trusted partner every step of the way. Zolve provided thorough support throughout my US visa application process. Their services included personalized assistance with completing my DS-160 form, ensuring it was accurate and complete. They also offered real-time notifications for visa slot availability, which helped me book my appointment promptly.


  1. What is the approval rate for an F1 visa in Mumbai?

Approval and refusal rates for F1 visas fluctuate based on factors such as the applicant's nationality, academic credentials, and financial situation. Over recent years, the approval rate has shown a decline. Specifically, it was 79% in 2019, dropping further to 68% in 2020, and reaching 65% by 2022.

  1. Which city is best for an F1 visa in India?

Hyderabad holds the top position for the highest number of F1 visa holders, with Mumbai following closely behind.

  1. How many student visas did the US Embassy accept in 2023?

In 2023, the US consular team in India issued more than 140,000 student visas, setting a record for the third consecutive year and surpassing the issuance in any other country worldwide.

  1. Which is the cheapest city in the USA for international students?

San Diego is noted for its affordability, featuring lower tuition fees and a reasonable cost of living, making it a highly cost-effective choice for students.

  1. Which location is best for a visa interview?

You can schedule a visa interview at the most convenient location and where appointment slots are available.