In Conversation with Karan Kapur: A peek inside the life of an H1B visa holder

Moving to a new country is both an adventure and a resoundingly tricky task. While you are excited to see what new things life has to offer in a new country, you are also plagued by the fear of uncertainty and nervousness.

Recently, we sat down for an exciting conversation with Karan Kapur, Principal Consultant of Genpact Headstrong Capital Markets. Kapur is an H1B visa holder who moved to the U.S. in December 2021 and shared valuable insights during our conversation that will help people planning to move to the U.S.

Moving to the U.S. must seem like a significant change. What is it like there? Are you working from home or the office?

Moving from one country to another is an undoubtedly significant change. Currently, my firm continues to work from home because of the present weather situation.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when you first moved to the U.S.?

When I first arrived in the U.S., I faced the most difficulty while opening a bank account. My existing salary account from India was not working here, and I had to open up a new salary account upon reaching in the U.S.

Have you received your SSN yet?

Yes. It was a long, arduous process, but I have finally received it. The process in itself was not very challenging, but it was time-consuming. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, my appointment also kept getting delayed. I applied for it on January 7, 2022, and received the appointment date of February 17, 2022.

How do you feel after being in the U.S. for almost 6 months now?

Many people dream about receiving an H1B visa. Even though it was never my goal, things fell into place for me seamlessly. I always wanted to work on-site, and now I’ve gotten a chance to do exactly that. And after reaching the U.S., I  understand why so many people dream of moving here.

What is your life like after moving to the U.S.?

Honestly, there has not been any kind of difference apart from witnessing the advantages offered by a first-world country. I have noticed that life in the U.S., or at least where I stay, i.e., New Jersey, is idyllic and peaceful. Cities like New York and Manhattan remind me of metro cities in India like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. But life in New Jersey is pretty chilled out, and I am actually enjoying it.

Are you looking to buy a car anytime soon?

Not really, no. I have not seen or met anyone looking to buy a vehicle as soon as they come here. People prefer walking here. Since I have reached the U.S., I have been walking almost 7 kilometers a day. Something I would never do in India. If and when I plan on taking road trips and exploring the country, I will rent a car.

Did your firm help you in finding accommodation?

No, I had to do everything on my own. Being an engineer, I rely on apps the most. Zillow and Renthop helped a lot while looking for an apartment to rent in the U.S. Finally, after a lot of searching, I have found a place, where I currently live.

What do you miss the most about India?

Surprisingly, nothing much. Even in India, I lived life on my terms, and I am doing the same here. The place is still a bit different since I don’t know many things yet. I am out of my comfort zone and have to build everything from scratch. But I love this challenge.

How was your experience with Zolve? How did you like the product?

Overall, my experience with Zolve has been quite positive and satisfying. When I started using Zolve in December 2021, I received 24/7 customer service, and the app updates were frequent. But now, the app shows multiple times that a particular feature is unavailable.

The Zolve Credit Card was honestly a lifesaver when I reached the U.S. since I didn’t have to wait to apply for SSN and build a credit score in the U.S.

Are you aware of Zolve’s latest product, the boost account?

Not until you mentioned, no. But now I am very much intrigued. Usually, banks in the U.S. provide way less interest. But Zolve is providing 2%, the best in the market if I am not wrong. In the last three months, I have not been able to be in a position to save money, but once I do, I’ll look into it.

Have you referred any of your friends to Zolve yet?

Yes. I have referred one who will be coming down to the U.S. soon. When I referred him, he didn’t get his visa stamp yet. But now that it’s done, I am hopeful that he has become a part of the Zolve family.

What advice would you give to someone moving to the U.S. for the first time?

If you want to reduce your financial stress while moving to the U.S., I will suggest applying for a Zolve Credit Card and a U.S. bank account. A Credit Card is more of a necessity than a luxury in the U.S., and no other Credit Card company will give you one without a U.S. credit history and an SSN.

This was a tiny peek of what has been a dream journey for Mr. Karan Kapur, where he shared some interesting information and insights of things to know if you are moving to the U.S. Do share it with your friends who are moving so that they can expect the unexpected.

We loved that Zolve was able to help him in his journey. If you also want to plan your finances, you can apply for a Zolve Account and Zolve Credit Card even before you step foot in the U.S. We have tailor-made our services to help people manage their money across borders.